since there are still a number of colleagues who are struggling
for visas. The organizers want to apologize for the Germany
embassies slow and extremely restrictive procedures.
But this is outside our influence.
Therefore EHRLICH II plays its planned
role in bringing together scientists from around the globe
that would otherwise not meet. Scroll yourself through the
submissions and come to EHRLICH II,
as a presenter or a participant. Great science and the special
atmosphere of an EHRLICH
conference makes your trip to Nürnberg, Germany, worth
We are looking forward to welcoming you here in a few weeks.
The EHRLICH II organizers.
The abstracts will be on the homepage by Monday, October
29th, 2008. Simply download the WORD - file and take it
with you. In agreement with more and more scientific societies
and by acknowledging environmental aspects we will not print
an abstract band. Abstracts on the EHRLICH II homepage
are fully citable in scientific papers and have a much wider
distribution than a few printed abstract books that are
thrown away anyway after the conference. Also enough print
outs and a few CDs will be available on site to search.
If for an important reason you will also be able to print
out an abstract.

See EHRLICH I pictures and attendance statistics:
After the great success in 2004 during Ehrlich I with almost
2000 participants from 84 countries (see picture
gallery) and 600 excellent presentations,
we are delighted to invite you to the Second World
Conference on Magic Bullets (Ehrlich II).
This conference will have an extended spectrum
covering of Magic Bullets in general and agents from many
therapeutic areas.
This conference is hosted by the journal CHEMOTHERAPY,
the only journal which is dedicated to the work and foundation
of chemotherapy by Paul Ehrlich.